Okay Tumblr is really acting weird for me right now…I can’t view certain blogs (a lot of my favorite ones too), and when I do view a some of them, it shows me posts from like years ago! Also for some reason I’m getting A LOT of NSFW content in certain tags. Isn’t today supposed to be the 12/17 purge??? I ain’t here for that, so I’m just gonna lay low until this site gets their shit together.

I wonder how the CGI will looks like. I mean, there is the cartoon one what put only the figures into 3D but you still know those are cartoon figures. And there is the other one the realistic one what looks like really real. Like the Lion king Remake or Jungle book.

Based on the teaser image, the CGI really reminded me of the Super Smash Bros. render Mewtwo had for Wii U and Ultimate…maybe even better! I don’t think they’ll make it look THAT real, but we’ll just have to wait and find out. 

The animation for The Power of Us was so stellar, it was so gorgeous to watch. The action scenes were all great but my favorite scenes were actually the Zeraora flashback scenes, the style was so pretty and the colors were amazing.

It was just a beautifully animated movie (though I do have to say, some parts in the background did look a bit clunky). And the Zeraora flashback had like a watercolor-esque style to it which was pretty nice giving it a good “50 years ago” storytelling. Oh and and the sound effects for the electricity Zeraora generated when it dashes or attacks was absolutely phenomenal!


I just love how you put an acute “é” in every Pokémon word you type into.


If you type the word “Pokémon” with putting an effort to get that acute é in rather than the regular e, you have my uttermost respect and that I want to marry you. Basically like putting a space in my “P J” nickname rather than the regular to space PJ xD There’s a reason why I add a space in between that, but not everyone seems to catch on to that gimmick lol

Just the little things I guess lol

Get the fuck off my dash with this shitty movie and stop trying to be like corsolanite or chaskip because you’ll as good as them! Go away and i hope someone shoots you so you don’t have to annoy me with your posts anymore.

My friend, there is simply an unfollow button you can press and there is not need to type these sort of things. Please be careful with your words with others especially with sensitive people that easily get hurt with messages like these. 

I’m just used to this since I know a lot of people disliking me, so it doesn’t affect me that much. My goal was never to give the flashiest and colorful GIFs, but is is to prove and show how good this movie is…at least to me and a few others. I am never going to reach their level of followers nor even trying to be them. I don’t know where you get your preconceived ideas. I only wish to promote love, so other people that like it can come together and maybe even friends from it. 

Guess you might’ve thought differently…but hey have a good day 😀