Get the fuck off my dash with this shitty movie and stop trying to be like corsolanite or chaskip because you’ll as good as them! Go away and i hope someone shoots you so you don’t have to annoy me with your posts anymore.

My friend, there is simply an unfollow button you can press and there is not need to type these sort of things. Please be careful with your words with others especially with sensitive people that easily get hurt with messages like these. 

I’m just used to this since I know a lot of people disliking me, so it doesn’t affect me that much. My goal was never to give the flashiest and colorful GIFs, but is is to prove and show how good this movie is…at least to me and a few others. I am never going to reach their level of followers nor even trying to be them. I don’t know where you get your preconceived ideas. I only wish to promote love, so other people that like it can come together and maybe even friends from it. 

Guess you might’ve thought differently…but hey have a good day 😀

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